Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Thousand Splendid Sun's: Week 1 Post A


(73). A burqa is an enveloping outer garment worn by women in some Islamic traditions for the purpose of cloaking the entire body. It is worn over the usual daily clothing and removed when the woman returns to the sanctuary of the household.
Perfunctory: (110).
performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial.


"She could make out the minarets in the distance, like the dusty fingers of giants[...]" (27). This is a simile because it uses like to compare the minarets to the fingers of giants in the distance.

"They are not friendly countries" (102). This is personification because a country cannot be friendly or not friendly, it gives the country human characteristics.

"[...] And a mouth that, Giti said, ran like a sewing machine" (102). This is a simile because it uses like (or as) to compare 2 things, in this case, Hasina's mouth to a sewing machine.


"You're afraid that I might find the happiness that you never had" (27). This is an important quote because Mariam was leaving and her mother told her she would die if Mariam left her. Mariam took it to be an empty threat, and ranted about how her mother never tried to be happy, and didn't want her to be happy either. It's a turning point for Mariam because she finally decides to leave, and go more than 100 yards away. She gets to see what's really out there.


I think a theme would be that the grass isn't always greener on the other side, because Mariam thinks the village will be so much better, but it turns out to take a toll on her, and her family.

1 comment:

Annabel said...

I like your quote. The mother in my book seems similar. She basically abandons her daughter,Leigh, and couldn't care less about her. The mother leaves Leigh with a little money, and when leigh asks how she will pay for college with that little, her ,mom says "It's a lot more than anybody ever gave me".