Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Thousand Splendid Suns: Week 4, Post B

Dear Mariam,

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Finally you come to your senses and realize you have to befriend Laila before you can get anywhere. It took 2+ years, but better late than never, I suppose. You may have been caught, but the friendship formed was many times more important than getting caught one time.
I would also like to say....Wow. Rasheed's punishment of you and Laila, as well as Laila's family was so inhuman it was difficult to read. Locking up two adults was one thing, but detaining a baby...that's so horrible it's hard to even consider. When I realized you'd been caught, I knew Rasheed would not let you go easily, but locking you in a hot room without water...it's a wonder you didn't die.
Enough about that, though. Personally, I couldn't be happier than Laila and you have made up. First, it was no talking, no help. Then there was talk...but it wasn't happy. Finally, things got a little better. You worked together on some chores. Then, you drank tea together in your free time. Finally, you became friends and went on a difficult journey. It wasn't all that hard, was it?

Oh, and one final thing....what took you so long? Not to be mean, but...wow. You were a jerk to Laila. I'm sorry, but it's true, you wouldn't even give her a sideways glance, let alone a hello. I was so angry at parts....I don't know how to say it. Let's just say I'm glad that's over.

Thanks again,



Dan said...
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Dan said...

Laila seems to calm down Rashid a bit. When she is around, he is a bit more "cheerful," but you can tell he is still a jerk. I was really suprised though, when Laila stopped him from whipping Mariam with his belt.