Monday, February 11, 2008

The Kite Runner: Week 1 Post A


Unscrupulous: (8)
Unprincipled (adj)

Atrophied: (8) Decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue (n)


"A face like a Chinese doll..." (3). This is a simile because it uses like to compare Hussan's face to that of a Chinese doll, carved and chiseled by a doll maker.

"My father was a force of nature" (13). This is a metaphor, comparing our main character Amir's father to a force of nature due to his strength and his ability to wrestle bears. No joke.

"They danced high above the trees on the west..." (2). This is a personification because it gives the kites the ability to do human things, such as dance.


"Looking back on it now, I think the foundation for what happened in the winter of 1975-and all that followed- was already laid in those first words" (11).

This really sets the base for the book to follow. All we saw in these first few chapters were some introductions and some (very) minor action. Obvously we don't know what happened in the winter of 1975, but I think we'll find out.


Bad things can happen to good people, because so far we are introduced to several nice characters with tough lives/backrounds

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