Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week 2 Post B: The Kite Runner

Wow. That's all I can say about this book so far. Just wow. I don't even know where to start, but I can say this: For all the hype this book has had, so far it lives up to it. It's an emotional rollercoaster: Going for delighted at Amir's kite fighting victory- something that finally impresses his father- to the brutal rape of Hassan, a part that shook me more than I think anything I've read in long time, maybe ever.
Khaled Hosseini, the author, must have toned down his writing for "A Thousand Splendid Suns," that's for sure. And let me just say, that hurt him. While this book is raw, filled with emotion, "Suns" seems pale in comparison, a half-hearted story.
As I continue in the story, I truly wonder how Hosseini's going to wrap things up. He's got Amir, a boy turned man hiding a secret deep down that'll hurt him until he dies. He also has Hassan, the one the secret is about, on the other side of the world, seperated by war and disagreements.
Finally, I'd like to point out in my opinion the second most moving part of the book to this point: Hassan taking the blame for Amir's crime. Amir hides his money under Hassan's bed in an attempt to get him fired. When asked if he did it, Hassan has a simple answer :"yes." Hassan's devotion, even admiration of Amir is something amazing.

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