Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's Not About the Bike: Week 4, Post B


"This is what it means to be sick" (134). I picked this quote to analyze because it's very emotional and you can tell it comes from the heart. Also, it means so many different things at the same time. First, the fact that he's finally hurting and feeling the effects of Chemo. Although he expected it to be extremly tough, I don't think anything can prepare you for something like that. I think that Chemo is tough because it attacks you both physically and mentally, it hurts you to the point of tears, degrades you emotions, and makes you question you choices. But it also saves your life.
This quote "This is what it means to be sick" also rings true because Lance is now realizing how Cancer affects those around him. His mother, obviously is hurt, but also his friends, his sponsors, and even those people who he had never seen in his life. They all felt for him, and now Lance realizes it.
I think this is just a great quote that really sums up how Lance is feeling. Sure, he feels defeated sometimes, I think we all do. But he feels something more. He feels what all cancer victoms should feel, but there's something else. It's almost as if he's proud that he's feeling Cancer's effects.
Hurt. Depressed. Yet Somehow: Excited. He feels the pain, and just how he feels the pain in his race, he rallies. He tries harder than before. That's how be beats competitors. That's how he beats cancer.

1 comment:

Dan said...

yeah. what i still don't know and may find out is DID he get one of his tour de france wins taken away from him?