Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Kite Runner: Week 4, Post B

"I opened the door and turned to him. 'Why? What can you possibly say to me? I'm thirty-eight years old and I've just found out that my whole life is one big f-----g lie! What can you possible say to make things better? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing!'" (223).

While we had always, as readers, seen how close Hassan and Amir were as they grew up. However, I don't think anyone couldn't be shocked when they read this part in the novel and realized that they were in fact half-brothers. They had always said it was "like they were brothers," but this goes beyond that. Amir had been lied to his entire life, and that has to hurt. Although to be honest I don't know what it would exactly be like, I can imagine that realizing something that important that late in life would be traumatizing.
What also made this worse for Amir was the fact that he now has to deal with the fact that he watched his brother get raped and did nothing, then intentionally got rid of him. He feels that everything is magnified due to the fact that the person he hung out with all of his young life is in fact his own brother. They said that when you're breast-fed from the same woman, you're like brothers. But when you're from the same father, you ARE brothers. And the truth hurts.

1 comment:

Monster Paperbag said...

yes, the truth hurts indeed..