Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Life of Pi: Week 7, Post B


I would like to post some comments about the book as a whole, and then maybe about blogging? Is that allowed? 

The book was a slight disappointment. Too much talk, too little action. Really not what I was hoping for. The beginning parts with the zoo were good, but once you got to the middle it was too philosophical and just plain bland--it's not that they weren't nicely written, they were just...boring? I think that's the word. And I don't like boring books. Even when the story moved away from that, the pace really never really picked up and overall I was let down. The set up definitely didn't pay off in the end. I don't know how to rate it exactly...I want to say 2.5/5. Not that it's a 50% bad, it's just....It's a tough call. There's too much bad to warrant a 3 star rating.

About blogging...let me just say I'm not a huge fan. While I like the concept, the execution is a little off...I think that the same prompts every week got old...It's nothing personal, just something that I feel could be perfected.

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